We offer same day collections for all kinds of waste!

Our Services

What we do

See wat services we provide to our customers

Our team is professional and enjoys working with customers. We take pride in the work we complete and always work ethically, including holding the correct waste disposal licences. From individual item collections to complete house clearances and garden waste removal. We will get the job done.

Domestic Waste Removal

If you are moving home and downsizing, or have a building renovation coming up. You will need a licensed waste removal company to remove...

Commercial Waste Removal

Whether your business runs out of a store, a restaurant or an office, we can keep your storage areas tidy and organised with unwanted item...

Green Waste Removal

Especially in the spring and summer months, you will generate green waste. While some local authorities do organise green waste...

Why choose E4?


E4Waste is committed to environmentally-friendly waste clearance solutions, ensuring that your waste is disposed of in the most sustainable way possible.


With E4Waste, you don't need to worry about transporting your waste to a landfill or recycling facility. We'll come to you and take care of everything.


Our team has years of experience in waste clearance, so you can trust that we'll handle your waste safely and efficiently.

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